Cracker is one of the great, modern day American rock bands. Smart, often scathing lyrics, scores of extremely catchy songs and perfectly placed smatterings of light twang mix nicely with David Lowry's wit and view of the world (I'll write more about Cracker in the future). I don't own their entire catalog, but I guess they put out an album called "Countrysides" which I assume is meant to be Cracker's take on country - or at least countryish - songs (frankly, the 2 songs I've heard from it don't sound that much different than Cracker's normal style). And the song "It Ain't Gonna Suck Itself" is really good (and I love that weird keyboard part). Check it out here* (and listen to "Duty Free" while you're at it):
* Cracker has done something very cool with their myspace page. They've created a separate myspace page for each of their albums, and they're easily linked to on their main myspace page. That way you can click around and preview songs off each album to get a feel for that record. God, it seems so obvious. With every band jockeying for the listeners ear these days, I can't believe stuff like this isn't a more common practice.