( is a pretty popular (I deduce) website that focuses on music that's similar in style to what I bring you on this very site. The guy is a huge Lucero and Drive by Truckers fan (the site gets its name from the Truckers song "Nine Bullets"). While he leans a bit more towardthe blues and even acoustic side of the spectrum than we here at tallboycan, there's no doubt the guy listens to
a lot of the music in this general genre. He has a podcast that you can get on iTunes, and while I'm not crazy about all the stuff he plays, I highly recommend the July 09 episode. This just so happens to be some sort of Blues Festival wrap-up show and, though I normally don't gravitate toward blues, this episode is really good (and not really that bluesy. Or at least bluesy in all the right ways). Check it out: podcast is worth checking out if only for these 2 songs:
Amy's in the Kitchen by Left Lane Cruiser (at 37:17): Absolutely kick-ass pedal steel. I haven't heard pedal steel this rockin since I saw Robert Randolph for the first time here at The Egg in Albany 6 years ago.
Rich Man's Table by A Night in the Box (40:38): Another over-the-top ass-kicking track! Holy shit man. I had this on at work the other day and even the ditsey 23 year chick I work with (who usually listens to dance music and Dave Matthews - I understand listening to dance music at a dance club and shit, but I come in at 6:35 in the morning and she's fucking listening to some techno shit. What the fuck? ) couldn't help but get down to this song.
Also check out the songs off this podcast by these artists:
Truckstop Coffee (@ 13:00 min mark)
Chris Knight @24:25
Matthew Dean Herman @ 30:25
Also check out the end of the September podcast when he talks about songs that are"about the devil and
killing people".