Wednesday, October 28, 2009

video: "Friends" by Cracker with Patterson Hood

The simplest of simple videos as far as concept goes, but with fucking MTV having shot itself in the foot over the past 15 years by replacing videos with those STUPID fucking shows, it's just good to see a goddamn music video.

This is the mellowest and only song on Cracker's new album ("Sunrise in the Land of Milk and Honey") that has that classic Cracker-style twang they do so well. It jumped out at me when I first bought the album as a standout track. The rest of the record is much more rocking, built around some cool classic -ock influenced riffs. It's damn good. Check out "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out with Me", "Time Machine", and "Hey Brett (You Know What Time it is)", in addition to the previously mentioned "I Could Be Wrong, I Could Be Right". Be sure to turn. it. up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slobberbone winter tour 2009

A broken-up band can only play so many gigs before they stop being "reunion shows." Slobberbone may be at that point. I don't really know what's going on in the Slobberbone camp, so I ain't gonna risk jinxing it by saying "They're back!" Maybe I'll give it a "They're back?!?!". Either way they've got a few upcoming gigs booked with a promise of "more on the way" ( This is all very excellent in my book.

November 27- Dan's Silverleaf - Denton,TX

December 1- White Water Tavern - Little Rock, AK

December 4- Barley's Taproom - Knoxville, TN

December 5- Smiths Olde Bar - Atlanta, GA

December 30th - Granada Theaterv - Dallas, TX

I'm really hoping they dip into the Northeast for a few shows. I'll be calling in sick and roadtripping if necessary Goddammit.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Podcast: Ninebullets ( is a pretty popular (I deduce) website that focuses on music that's similar in style to what I bring you on this very site. The guy is a huge Lucero and Drive by Truckers fan (the site gets its name from the Truckers song "Nine Bullets"). While he leans a bit more towardthe blues and even acoustic side of the spectrum than we here at tallboycan, there's no doubt the guy listens to a lot of the music in this general genre. He has a podcast that you can get on iTunes, and while I'm not crazy about all the stuff he plays, I highly recommend the July 09 episode. This just so happens to be some sort of Blues Festival wrap-up show and, though I normally don't gravitate toward blues, this episode is really good (and not really that bluesy. Or at least bluesy in all the right ways). Check it out:

This podcast is worth checking out if only for these 2 songs:

Amy's in the Kitchen by Left Lane Cruiser (at 37:17): Absolutely kick-ass pedal steel. I haven't heard pedal steel this rockin since I saw Robert Randolph for the first time here at The Egg in Albany 6 years ago.

Rich Man's Table by A Night in the Box (40:38): Another over-the-top ass-kicking track! Holy shit man. I had this on at work the other day and even the ditsey 23 year chick I work with (who usually listens to dance music and Dave Matthews - I understand listening to dance music at a dance club and shit, but I come in at 6:35 in the morning and she's fucking listening to some techno shit. What the fuck? ) couldn't help but get down to this song.

Also check out the songs off this podcast by these artists:

Truckstop Coffee (@ 13:00 min mark)

Chris Knight @24:25

Matthew Dean Herman @ 30:25

Also check out the end of the September podcast when he talks about songs that are"about the devil and killing people".