Lucero - "Noon as Dark as..."
If there's one thing I wanna do, it's rock out. Hence the whole backbone of this blog. And this song kicks serious ass. After I first heard it I was like "How are people not shouting about this song from rooftops?" Here's a more detailed take on the song I wrote a while back:
The slow, dour lyrical portion of this song is a great lead-in to the hard rocking that dominates the last 3 and half minutes of this track. Check out the tempo change at the 3:00 mark - for all you lame jambands out there who think 18 minutes of aimless guitar playing is "jamming", you're wrong. This tempo change is the backbone of what real jamming is (at least in my opinion - my opinion is the only one that matters, right?). After some of that shit, they then slow it down and you think they're going back into another lyrical section, but instead there's the cool backscratching guitar part. Then that turns from what you'd traditionally expect to come next (a slower lyrical section) and instead they start jamming even harder. This is the kinda stuff Phish based a career on - and let's face it, they were the hands-down masters of it. I still can't believe more bands across all genres don't adopt this lyrics > guitar solo> [tempo change] harder guitar solo > lyrics approach to rocking out. I'd like to see at least 1 such track on pretty much every rock record (but preferably 2. Really, I'd like there to be 3 on each record. Now I'm just getting greedy - 3 is unrealistic. OK 2 will suffice then...)
I mean, really, there ain't a bad track on RR&SB but if you're gonna talk about some bad ass guitars on that album you have to mention "Sing Me No Hymns".
Personally, my favorite track on that album is "The Weight of Guilt".
autopsy iv
I agree about "Sing Me No Hymns". That song has that unexpected tempo change and then just rips. I remember the first time I heard it, I immediately cranked it up and was like "What the hell is this shit?!" Very cool.
I don't love RR&SB (I've always liked "I Can Get Us Out of Here"), but it has been growing on me. I love the Lucero sound on the record, but nothing really jumps out and grabs me other than the 2 tracks I previously mentioned. It's no "Nobody's Dralings" which I think is out-and-out fantastic.
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