Band: I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch in the House
Hometown: Portland, OR
Sound: hard edge new-Southern Rock
Status: broke up 2006
I just got my hands on a CD by these guys a few days ago (actually, I downloaded it from iTunes, so I guess my hard drive got its hands on it...) and I think people need to check 'em out. I often think of Two Cow Garage as a "child of Slobberbone" in a way (that's a compliment), and I'd call I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch in the House Two Cow's sister band. Actually, it would be fraternal twin sister band, as the 2 bands are stylistically so similar. Lead singer Mike D's voice is across between Tow Cow's Micah Schnabel and Patterson Hood of the Drive by Truckers. The harmonica in the band will reach out and grab you. Listen to tracks on their myspace page (listen to "Gone" first, since it totally kicks ass. If you don't think that song is absolutely rocking, click off their page, turn off your computer, wrap a plastic bag over your face and duct tape it really fucking tight around your neck. Or something like that.) And don't listen to "Westboro Baptist Church" in mixed company or aloud at work...
More on these guys as I get some time to digest this album more.