Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two Cow Garage: "Speaking in Cursive" mini-review

I'm a big Two Cow fan, and I had every intention of buying this record when they came to Albany last October. But the show was cancelled (DAMMIT!) and I procrastinated like a mofo on getting it. To be honest, I wasn't overly inspired by the 3 or 4 tracks I heard on the web, so I didn't rush to get it. And considering how much I liked their previous albums I didn't want to be disappointed. Well, I just got it and, while there aren't any of the balls-out rockers the band is famous for that really jump out at me, it's a lot better than my first impression had lead me to believe. I particularly like "Skinny Legged Girl" (stream it below), with its super-catchy ba-ba-ba-ba-da chorus. And check out this video from Tequila Brad of "Swingset Assassin*". It's a pretty weird video- you can't see a goddamn thing since it's recorded in a pitch dark parking lot after a show (I assume) - but it's just so cool. I love the train whistles in the background. Watch it here:

* the "with these clothes picked by my mother/handed down from my big brother" line reminds me so much of The Drams [fantastic] "Robert Cole". A little too close for comfort even.

Skinny Legged Girl - Two Cow Garage

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